Source Aujourd'hui l'Inde par Réjane Ereau
Paris, centre Barbara Goutte d’or. Studio 2. À droite, assis par terre, Amrat et Sanjay. Musiciens indiens, tabla et harmonium. À gauche, bien calés sur leurs petits tabourets, Serioja et Tudorel. 100% tsiganes, violon et saxo. À leurs côtés, Valentina, chanteuse sarde. Et quelle chanteuse… Entre eux, debout derrière son clavier, Click. DJ chef d’orchestre, métisseur de sons, programmeur trait d’union. « Il y a un an et demi, j’ai joué seul à Delhi dans une boîte VIP, raconte celui-ci. Les gens ont adoré : c’est la première fois qu’ils entendaient de la musique des Balkans, ils se sont complètement lâchés, genre "back to the jungle" ! Cet impact m’a donné envie d’approfondir, de monter un projet en Inde. J’en ai parlé à Amrat, croisé dans un festival… » Amrat Hussain, artiste râjasthâni installé en France : un grand nom du tabla, issu d’une ancestrale famille de musiciens, leader des Rajasthan Dohad Gypsies et d’un trio de jazz fusion.
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jeudi 30 décembre 2010
DJ Click fait sa Route du Rom
The art of arrival
Source Indian Express by Georgina Maddox
The art calender for 2011 looks exciting. India has already seen some stimulating international art events towards the end of 2010 and that augers well for the year ahead. Not only is Indian art going overseas, but art work from Europe and America is also making its way here — it may not be the cream of the selection, but it is undoubtedly way better than what we have seen in the past few years. Even eight years ago, international museums like Tate Modern and Serpentine in London, MoMA in New York and Guggenheim in Germany had not even heard of names like Atul Dodiya, Subodh Gupta and Bharti Kher.
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mardi 28 décembre 2010
Delhi plans Tate Modern-style gallery in old power station
Source The Guardian by Jason Burke
The city of the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, the Gate of India and the 12th century Qutb Minar tower is to get a new monument. A decommissioned power station in Delhi, the Indian capital, is to be converted into an art gallery modelled on London's Tate Modern. The plan has been approved by Delhi municipal authorities, the Times of India newspaper reported , and could be completed in three to five years, depending on how long it takes to dismantle parts of the Indraprastha power plant beside the banks of the Yamuna river.
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dimanche 26 décembre 2010
Folklore for the future
Source Indian Express by Vandana Kalra
Meanwhile, the sequel to the current exhibition at Devi Art is keeping Garimella occupied. “The subsequent show will have artists working consciously outside their art practice, looking at issues in the larger world,” she says. In the adjoining room in the brick-red private museum in Gurgaon, Chitrakar artists from West Bengal await her feedback on their work. Garimella plans to encourage them to experiment with animation.
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Indian art shakes off recession
Source The Economic Times by Parul Vadehra
The momentum continues in 2011. The 3rd edition of India Art Summit in January promises to be bigger and better than ever before with 84 galleries from 24 countries presenting their collections of Modern and Contemporary Art, in addition to various curated projects, live performances and an impressive line-up of speakers. The month of May will see the opening of what is said to be the largest exhibition of Indian contemporary culture in Europe at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. And in June, for the first time in the prestigious Venice Biennale's 115-year history, there will be a pavilion dedicated to Indian Art curated by art critic and curator Ranjit Hoskote, another positive outcome of the public-private initiative. These exhibitions and many more at institutions and galleries across the country and abroad are sure to make 2011 an exciting year for Indian Art.
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Resurgence of hope
Source Deccan Herald
Cautious optimism, responsible art, promising auctions and the return of the legendary Anish Kapoor, defined the Indian art scene in 2010, writes Giridhar Khasnis
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vendredi 24 décembre 2010
Tribal art floors coal capital
Source The Telegraph by Praduman Choubey
“Exhibitions such as this which promote tribal arts should be organised on a regular basis,” said Mallick speaking on the occasion. He further urged the government to come forward and support these rural art forms, which were staring at extinction.
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jeudi 23 décembre 2010
3 Indian and 2 Chinese artists in top 10 for sculpture auction revenue
Source Art Radar Asia
Three Indian and two Chinese artists are featured in Artprice’s top 10 of contemporary artists for auction revenue from sculptures. While the report’s contemporary painting segment features artists from the US, the UK and China, artists in the contemporary sculpture list are more globally spread. From India comes Anish Kapoor, Subodh Gupta and Bharti Kher and from China, Chen Li and Wang Zhan. The list, “with revenue totals ranging from €855,000 for Subodh Gupta to more than €11m for Jeff Koons,” is rounded up by three Europeans and two Americans.
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samedi 18 décembre 2010
Ce n'est qu'un au revoir !
Soirée d'adieu à Paris, Sayed Haider Raza, après avoir vécu 60 ans en France, repart vivre en Inde.
Son Excellence Ranjan Mathai, ambassadeur de l’Inde en France et Sayed Haider Raza
Ranjan Mathai, Raza et Ashok Vajpeyi, poète et directeur de Lalit Kala Akademi
Veena, Raza et Madame de Villepin. Photos Hervé Perdriolle
vendredi 17 décembre 2010
Death of a folk artist
Source Business Standard by Geetanjali Krishna
In the September 2010 South Asian art auction at Sotheby’s, two of an Indian folk artist’s works went under the hammer. I was thrilled to read that my favourite folk artist Jangarh Singh Shyam’s works (Crane and Landscape with Spider) stood their ground next to the works of modern Indian masters like Husain, Souza and Raza. It’s not often that folk art gets its due recognition, and I marvelled at how far this adivasi artist from one of India’s most underdeveloped states had come. It’s a pity that he wasn’t alive to see it.
As is often the case with brilliant people who die young, one can’t help but wonder exactly how much the world lost the day this Gond artist was found hanging from a ceiling fan in his lonely little room in Japan. But there’s one thing I’m sure of. He would have been proud to see how far the style of painting he developed has come today.
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mercredi 15 décembre 2010
Work in progress
Source Indian Express by Vandana Kalra
The next director of Tate Modern, Chris Dercon, has exciting plans for Indian art
When Chris Dercon takes over as the director at Tate Modern, London, in March 2011, one of the first tasks he wants to fulfill will be the formation of the India Acquisitions Committee, formed with the objective of building a more extensive collection of Indian art. “It will be responsible for pointing out the exciting things happening in Indian art and we will take it on from there,” says Dercon.
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Dictionnaire de l'Inde contemporaine
Source Armand Colin
Longtemps perçue comme le pays des maharajahs et des mendiants, l’Inde est désormais tombée dans un autre cliché, celui du pays émergent, de l’informatique et des délocalisations. Que retenir ? L’Inde de Mittal le magnat de l’acier, ou celle du plus grand nombre de mal nourris de la planète ?
Qui sait qu’en 2030, quand l’Inde sera devenue plus peuplée que la Chine, elle gardera une population en majorité rurale, et ce alors même que dès aujourd’hui, Delhi ou Bombay dépassent 20 millions d’habitants ? Qui sait que les films tournés à Bombay (Bollywood) ne représentent qu’une minorité de la production cinématographique indienne ? Que la politique de discrimination positive en faveur des intouchables, des tribus, mais aussi des femmes, est parmi la plus développée du monde ?
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dimanche 12 décembre 2010
Sold for Rs 9.6 cr, Arpita Singh’s painting puts women artists on top
Source Indian Express by Georgina Maddox
“I think it’s great that Arpita is leading the way for women artists’ work to be priced in parallel with all the male artists, who have been dominating the market for years. It’s time women artists got their due,” says Dinesh Vazirani, the director of Saffronart. Noting that the collector base supports women artists, he adds, “The market is strong within the country, given that the buyer of the work was of Indian origin. This is a moment in history.”
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samedi 11 décembre 2010
A world of endless creativity
Source The Hindu by Shailaja Tripathi
The ongoing exhibition at Devi Art Foundation probes what it means to be a vernacular artist in this country. Encompassing a diverse range of art practices that exist within the exhaustive cluster of traditional arts, ‘Vernacular in the Contemporary' an ongoing exhibition at Anupam and Lekha Poddar's Devi Art Foundation (DAF), presents some extraordinary works from the genres of popular, folk, tribal and native art of the country.
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jeudi 9 décembre 2010
Tribal art with a contemporary edge
Source The Hindu Business Line by Chitra Narayanan
The Devi Art Foundation show is unique because it is probably one of the largest-ever showcase of folk art in an urban gallery space. It has put on its walls an art that rarely reaches urban studios but instead seems to find itself more in craft melas or handicraft emporiums. Several galleries, including the CIMA art gallery in Kolkata, are now trying to change that, resolutely going after innovative tribal art and giving it a display side by side with the contemporary art shows they usually put up. This has meant that the outstanding works among tribal art now have a space to stand out, in the process lifting their valuations. Perhaps, in some ways, the galleries' move is also dictated by commercial interests as Indian folk and tribal art is fast acquiring a big following in international markets with many collectors abroad willing to pay a good price.
These innovations and spark of originality is what is helping some of our folk and tribal artists to finally make a breakthrough into the space reserved for the Hussains, Pynes and Subodh Guptas.
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The Alternate Course
Source Express India by Vandana Kalra
Tribal art goes mainstream, with experimental works and frequent exhibitions.
He is one of the leading collectors of contemporary art in India, but during the last three years Anupam Poddar and his mother Lekha have been sifting though works by tribal artists from remote corners of the country. With art historian and designer Annapurna Garimella, the two shortlisted a group of around 30 artists from over 170, and commissioned them to produce work that could feature alongside their existing collection in the exhibition Vernacular, In the Contemporary. The first in the series of the two-part exhibition opened at the Devi Art Foundation, Gurgaon recently.
The audience is not confined to India though. If the museum of Asian Art in San Francisco has a major collection of Madhubani artist Ganga Devi’s works, Paris-based art collector Hervé Perdriolle has been collecting Indian tribal art since 1996. In April, Jyotindra Jain curated the Other Masters of India: Contemporary Creations of the Adivasis at the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris.
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Saffron Art holds winter online Auction December 8th an 9th 2010
Source Elite Traveler by Radhika Wadhwa
The world’s largest online fine art auction house, Saffronart, will offer 100 artworks by 43 modern and contemporary Indian artists, including paintings, sculptures and installations. Highlights of this sale include modern masters such as S H Raza, F N Souza, Ram Kumar and Akbar Padamsee alongside some of the biggest names in contemporary Indian art like Surendran Nair, Subodh Gupta, Shibu Natesan and N S Harsha.
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Vernacular Mosaic
Source Open Magazine by Sohini Chattopadhyay
An ambitious project, using unconventional methods of selection, revisits an exciting range of India’s traditional art forms. Dr Annapurna Garimella is a fussy woman, fussy about work, fussy about labels. Congratulate her on putting together what is possibly India’s biggest tribal art show, and she shoots back, “Many of the artists are not tribals, so that’s inaccurate.” How about native art? “If a Madhubani painter uses tubes of paint manufactured in Japan, can you call that process of creating art native?” she throws back at you. Aha. “I chose the term vernacular with care. It signifies a traditional art language without the limitations that the terms ‘folk’, ‘tribal’ or ‘native’ have.”
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mercredi 8 décembre 2010
Ruée sur l’art moderne chinois
Source Art Market Insight
En automne 2008, Hong Kong était la première place de marché douloureusement frappée par la contamination de la crise économique au marché de l’art. Le marché reparti, les ventes d’automne 2010 à Hong Kong confirment deux tendances : un nouveau souffle pour les stars contemporaines chinoises, indiennes et indonésiennes d’une part et d’autre part, l’explosion des prix pour les artistes modernes.
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lundi 6 décembre 2010
L’Inde a été désignée comme "pays cible" en 2011 pour les investissements français à l’étranger.
Source Aujourd'hui l'Inde
La croissance de l’Inde est restée soutenue malgré crise et avoisine aujourd’hui les 9%. Cela ouvre des perspectives. Il y a effectivement eu l’émergence d’une classe moyenne qui compte désormais entre 250 et 300 millions de personnes et qui va continuer a se développer. Le pays a des besoins importants en infrastructures (eau, routes, électricité). En 2011, l’Inde est placée comme pays cible par UBIFRANCE. 40 opérations sous formes de pavillons, de salons, sont prévues en Inde l’année prochaine. Nous avons eu 35 entreprises francaises lors d’un salon nucléraire à Bombay. A Chandigarh se tient actuellement un salon sur le machinisme agricole auquel participent 10 entreprises françaises. Deux operations importantes seront organisées l’année prochaine: une rencontre technologique franco-indienne en septembre déclinée sur plusieurs villes et une exposition sur l’art de vivre à la française, qui se tiendra à Delhi en juillet.
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Anish Kapoor s’expose pour la première fois en Inde
Source Aujourd'hui l'Inde
Celui que Sonia Gandhi présentait samedi dernier, lors de l’inauguration de l’exposition à New Delhi, comme "l’enfant du pays" aurait plus d’une influence indienne à revendiquer. "Il a lui-même parlé de l’impact de la philosophie indienne et du symbolisme profond, inhérent à de nombreux aspects de la vie ici, sur son oeuvre", rappelait la présidente du parti du Congrès. Si l’intéressé préférerait se faire désigner comme "le meilleur artiste" plutôt que par ses origines, il avoue cependant l’emprise d’un "psycho-langage du travail" décidemment indien : "Comment cela pourrait-il en être autrement ? C’est là où j’ai grandi", déclarait l’artiste pour le quotidien britannique The Guardian.
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dimanche 5 décembre 2010
Welcome home, this time to glory and groupies
Source DNA by Madhu Jain
She stood there, transfixed, in one of those skin-sculpting little black dresses, admiring herself like a, well, latter day female avatar of Narcissus. Anish Kapoor’s stainless steel curvilinear “S-curve” sculpture, polished to beyond perfection, threw back an image of a lithe body with a pert bum. “Hey, move over,” her friend standing alongside said, nudging her, “I want to stand in the very same spot so that my bum looks as taut as yours.” Don’t blame the ladies. Or the spiffily turned out young men preening before the uncannily distorting surfaces of sculptures, when not networking: the reality in most cases was far less flattering than the illusion, sleight-of-eye, of Kapoor’s uncannily distorting surfaces. Le tout Mumbai turned up, many of them branded from tip to toe, at the inauguration of Anish Kapoor’s exciting exhibition in the cavernous and imposing Mehboob Studio in Bandra this week.
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Archives revue de presse
- DJ Click fait sa Route du Rom
- The art of arrival
- Delhi plans Tate Modern-style gallery in old power...
- Folklore for the future
- Indian art shakes off recession
- Resurgence of hope
- Tribal art floors coal capital
- 3 Indian and 2 Chinese artists in top 10 for sculp...
- Ce n'est qu'un au revoir !
- Death of a folk artist
- Work in progress
- Dictionnaire de l'Inde contemporaine
- Sold for Rs 9.6 cr, Arpita Singh’s painting puts w...
- A world of endless creativity
- Tribal art with a contemporary edge
- The Alternate Course
- Saffron Art holds winter online Auction December 8...
- Vernacular Mosaic
- Ruée sur l’art moderne chinois
- L’Inde a été désignée comme "pays cible" en 2011 p...
- Anish Kapoor s’expose pour la première fois en Inde
- Welcome home, this time to glory and groupies