Source The New Indian Express by Subodh Gupta
Cultural heritage still stays highly inaccessible to the public, so how on earth can we expect people to develop a sense of belonging and how can we sensitise them to our material and cultural heritage? New architecturally innovative spaces should be created for this. It is a pity that we are losing out both ways. While few opportunities exist for contemporary art, we are also losing touch with our roots, culture, heritage. Whoever comes to power, sufficient steps should be taken to ensure regular and sustained enculturation of the masses through contemporary and traditional art spaces. A fine balance can be achieved which will then be instrumental in bringing in a cultural and personal revolution in art.
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dimanche 30 mars 2014
Enculturation of Masses a Must
vendredi 28 mars 2014
India’s diverse culture is unique, says Italian contemporary artist
Source The Hindu by S. Anandan
For someone who arrived in India in 1971, Francesco Clemente has been, in his own words, ‘a closeted artist in India’. He made most of his works here and is keen to come out of the closet. “I spent my formative years in India in Madras when I was very young at the Theosophical Society making liberal use of the library there and going through all those esoteric books, books connected to contemporary traditions etc,” the artist, billed to be among the pioneers of transavantgarde art movement, recalled in an exclusive chat with The Hindu. His arrival in India, ‘a defining moment’, was propelled by severe discontent for the situation in Europe, which was then witnessing civil strife and political insurrection.
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jeudi 27 mars 2014
Body Art
Source Indian Express by Poonam Goel
Human and superhuman images depicted across faiths over the past four millennia are being exhibited at Delhi’s National Museum till June 7. Titled ‘The Body in Indian Art’ and curated by Naman Ahuja, the exhibition displays 300-odd exhibits from ancient to contemporary times, including installations and film clippings that delve into concepts such as birth, death, rebirth, heroism, asceticism, divinity, rapture and possession of the body.
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jeudi 20 mars 2014
New York Asian art auctions bring buyers from around the world
Source Chicago Tribune by Patricia Reaney
Ancient ritual wine vessels, modern contemporary paintings and masterpieces representing Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism and Shintoism are among the highlights of Asian art sales in New York next week. The Asia Week auctions at Christie's and Sotheby's will feature thousands of items in a series of sales that could top $100 million. Last spring's auctions totaled more than $130 million in sales. "We've got collectors coming from China, Hong Kong and India and Europe, of course," said Hugo Weihe, Christie's International director for Asian art. Asia has become a dominant player in the global art market, particularly in post-war and contemporary art sales.
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The compulsive FN Souza
Source Mumbai Mirror by Aseem Chhabra
The works are from the private collection of Souza's oldest child Shelley, who has been living in New York for nearly three decades. The auction is officially entitled Francis Newton and Maria Souza: A Life Partnership in Art, The Shelley Souza Collection. What is remarkable about the auction is the accompanying essay that Shelley wrote for the catalogue. She is, for the first time, publicly speaking about her parents' difficult marriage and other personal details. Shelley writes that it was a troubled marriage - Souza was womaniser and an absent father, but her mother instilled in her the idea that he was an important artist. And she writes what has kept her going are these words her mother often repeated: "Your father may be a bastard of a man, but he is a great artist. Never forget that."
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Outsider Art Fair NY
For twenty-one years, the Outsider Art Fair has been the world's foremost annual show of Outsider, Self-Taught, and Folk Art. And for twenty-one years, the Outsider Art Fair took place in winter. In 2014, for the first time, the Fair will take place in the spring, from May 8 - 11 at Chelsea's Center 548, the former home of the Dia Art Foundation, located at 548 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011. These dates coincide with the New York edition of Britain's Frieze Art Fair. > read more
Outsider Art fair NY
Depuis 21 ans, l'Outsider Art Fair est la principale foire annuelle à travers le monde dédiée exclusivement aux artistes autodidactes et marginaux. Si la foire s'était jusqu'à présent toujours déroulée l'hiver, cette année elle se tiendra pour la première fois au printemps, du 8 au 11 mai, dans les locaux du Center 548, l'ancienne adresse de la fondation Dia Art dans le quartier de Chelsea (548 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011). Cet événement coïncidera avec l'édition new-yorkaise de la foire britannique Frieze Art Fair.
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Towards freedom from want
Source The Hindu by Tapati Chowdhurie
Tribals live on customs and rules handed over to them from generations. They live with nature and are a part of nature. Their demand is very little. They don’t need gadgets, which is why they can enjoy life. They get comfort from nature. Tribal culture needs exposure — there-in lies the reason why urbanites should connect and preserve tribal life, just as we should preserve nature. We need such festivals to create awareness. What is in store, only future can tell. Coming generations should get the flavour of the soil. Tribal culture has survived for thousands of years. We need to preserve them and create a beautiful garden and leave it for our future generation.
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lundi 10 mars 2014
Francis Newton Souza : le Picasso Indien
Découvrez en ligne le nouveau catalogue de Christie's sur l'œuvre de Francis Newton Souza. Il ne s'agit pas forcément des plus beaux Souza mais ce catalogue, comme sait le faire Christie's pour les ventes d'art moderne indien, est une très belle approche de celui que l'on peut considérer comme le Picasso ou le Combas indien. Ce catalogue regroupe un grand nombre d'archives, photos de famille et extraits de presse, et permet de découvrir l'un des artistes majeurs de l'art moderne indien.
> e-catalogue online
Space for Sales
Source The Indian Express by Amruta Lakhe
Encouraged by the event, the city’s oldest art house, Pundole Art Gallery, launched their newest independent auction space, Pundole’s on March 6. “Because of the growing market and the need to cater to our customers, having our own auction space makes sense. We can now do a lot more with the space, such as hold smaller auctions, have educational tours and engage the art community,” says director Dadiba Pundole, adding that their old space near Flora Fountain will be used for the back end work of the gallery.
The 4,000 sq ft venue is located in Tanna House at Colaba and is already being used for viewings for the first Pundole auction of this year on March 12.
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dimanche 9 mars 2014
The Experimenters

Source DNA by Ashiesh
In 2009, a year after returning to their native Kolkata, Prateek and Priyanka Raja became arguably the most influential young couple in the South Asian art scene by transforming a classic 1930s Gariahat house into one of the subcontinent’s most expressive blank canvases. Since then, Experimenter artists have shown in most of the world’s most important institutions and events for contemporary art, from LACMA to MoMA, from Venice to Basel by way of the Tate Modern.
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samedi 8 mars 2014
Feminine strokes
Source Livemint by Tanushree Ghosh
The art that women make every day, as part of their lives, is difficult to define. Chennai-based indie feminist publisher Tara Books aims to showcase just this in a photography exhibition, Floor to Book: Women’s Everyday Art Traditions, starting on Saturday, International Women’s Day, in Chennai. “The women who make such art seldom see it as art. Neither do those who write about art imagine that household spaces are congenial to the making of ‘art’ as we understand it in the modern sense,” says V. Geetha, editorial director of Tara Books. For over a decade, the organization has been exploring the trajectory of indigenous art forms and their women practitioners from rural areas and tribal communities, bringing such work to the forefront through illustrations in its books.
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mercredi 5 mars 2014
11 Contemporary American Indian Artworks That Blend Tradition And Experimentation
Source Huffington Post by Katherine Brooks
An Everlast punching bag covered in ornate beads, a woman languishing next to a life-size, four-legged balloon animal, a black cedar mask made distinct by its fire truck red lips -- these are the powerful images now adorning the walls of the Nerman Museum in Kansas. Hints of traditional crafts like weaving and basketry mingle with contemporary art trends like readymades and inflatable sculpture, amounting to a sweeping sample of an oft-overlooked segment of today's art world: contemporary American Indian art.
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mardi 4 mars 2014
Exhibition to trace impact of Picasso on international contemporary art
Source Economic Times by Ashoke Nag
The first exhibition dedicated to tracing the impact of Picasso on international contemporary art is being staged at Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Spain from March 5 to June 29, 2014. Curated by art expert Michael FitzGerald, the show will explore the dialogue inspired by the work of Picasso in today's artists. Among the artists who will be represented in the exhibition are: Cheri Samba of the Democratic Republic of Congo, M.F. Husain and Atul Dodiya of India, Folkert de Jong and Rineke Dijkstra of the Netherlands, Guillermo Kuitca from Argentina, Vik Muniz of Brazil, and Jasper Johns, Faith Ringgold and Fred Wilson of the USA.
The exhibition will not include works by Picasso. The museum's premier collection of his art will be on view in the permanent gallerie.
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Source Artfix Daily
Tyeb Mehta’s Untitled (Bull) (estimate: $2,000,000-3,000,000) will also be offered in the sale. Painted in 2000, this painting of a falling, flailing bull with its marble tones appears almost sculptural, and uses an icon he systematically revisited and reinvigorated. The bull had held a fascination for Mehta, and became an emblem for his artistic and philosophical expression. This painting serves as the apotheosis of Mehta’s vision on the human condition, in its symbolic use of the tumbling trussed beast. Painted at the threshold of the new millennium, in 2000, this monumental work is one of the largest paintings from the artist’s oeuvre, the size of which underscores the significance of the bull in his artistic language. Partially anthropomorphized, this bull, ordinarily associated with immense masculinity and strength, is depicted by Mehta as victimized by circumstance, fate, and damnation. The subject, Bull, can be seen as a visual epitaph of the artist’s quest to express the grandest of ideas about existence and life’s struggles.
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Royal Elephants, Bullocks and Flying Foxes at Auction
Source The Wall Street Journal by Saptarishi Dutta
Paintings from what is considered to be one of the most significant collections of late Mughal art will go on auction in London next month in a sale of work that offers a glimpse into life in Delhi before the arrival of British rule. Two of the early 19th-century works which are part of the sale, showing a royal elephant and a bullock drawn carriage, come from the Fraser Album, commissioned by two Scottish brothers, William Fraser and James Baillie Fraser. William worked for the East India Company between 1799 and his assassination in 1835, his brother James, an amateur artist, joined him in India in 1814.
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The Garment Factories of Bangladesh
Source Tasveer Journal
Gazi Nafis Ahmed is a documentary photographer born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He sees Bangladesh as a place with many social challenges, and feels compelled to use photography to document the constant changes and impact the collective state of mind of the people. Nafis completed his High School from Bangladesh International Tutorial in 2003 and graduated from the London Guildhall University in Art & Design. His attended the International semester at the prestigious Danish School of Media and Journalism.
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New Delhi in New York. Vadehra Art Gallery at The Armory Show
Source Yareah Magazine
Since its inception in 1987, Vadehra Art Gallery (VAG) has promoted contemporary Indian art through exhibitions, retrospectives, publications and educational programmes. The Armory Show, a leading international contemporary and modern art fair and one of the most important annual art events in New York, takes place every March on Piers 92 & 94 in central Manhattan.
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Video: Capitalism, Dying Languages Inspire Nalini Malani's Modern Shadow Play
Source Asia Society by Tahiat Mahboob
When you step into Asia Society Museum's latest contemporary exhibition, Transgressions, prepare for a sensory experience like none other. Nalini Malani, considered one of the foremost artists from India today, has created an installation that uses jewel-like lights, fluid watercolors, oscillating shadows and a myriad of sounds to assail your senses.
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lundi 3 mars 2014
Moulding modern art for decades
Source The Hindu by Sukhada Tatke
India was still taking its first steps as an independent nation when a young Maqbool Fida Hussain was struggling to find avenues to display his art in the city. He met by chance a young Parsi couple who ran a frame-making business at Princess Street in south Mumbai.
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dimanche 2 mars 2014
Colourful tribal fest held in Santiniketan
Source Times of India by Althea Philipps
Speaking exclusively to Times of India he said, "We have found that one of our richest heritages is tribal performing arts as they have retained their indigenous life, art and craft. We want to start a centre for tribal performing arts and document all that we are doing here so that we can set up a tribal arts archives. We also have plans to set up a school of tribal culture. Out motto is 'Think globally, act locally' - go back to our roots and at the same time promote our traditions and culture to the world."
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Archives revue de presse
- Enculturation of Masses a Must
- India’s diverse culture is unique, says Italian co...
- Body Art
- New York Asian art auctions bring buyers from arou...
- The compulsive FN Souza
- Outsider Art Fair NY
- Outsider Art fair NY
- Towards freedom from want
- Francis Newton Souza : le Picasso Indien
- Space for Sales
- The Experimenters
- Feminine strokes
- 11 Contemporary American Indian Artworks That Blen...
- Exhibition to trace impact of Picasso on internati...
- Royal Elephants, Bullocks and Flying Foxes at Auction
- The Garment Factories of Bangladesh
- New Delhi in New York. Vadehra Art Gallery at The ...
- Video: Capitalism, Dying Languages Inspire Nalini ...
- Moulding modern art for decades
- Colourful tribal fest held in Santiniketan