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jeudi 26 avril 2012
Paris's Palais de Tokyo Launches New Triennial With Racially Charged First Edition
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jeudi 19 avril 2012
L'art comme chez soi
Source Le Figaro par Béatrice De Rochebouet
Pour l'inauguration vendredi soir sur le thème de la nouvelle scène artistique brésilienne, avec sept artistes de São Paulo, un guitariste chantera Hear my Train a Comin' de Jimi Hendrix devant l'œuvre du même nom de Paulo Climachauska, grande fresque architecturale à l'encre de chine, faite de lignes de soustraction, un contre-pied à notre société du toujours plus.
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mercredi 18 avril 2012
When Walls Come Falling Down: Left Political Art Timeline, 1989-2000
Source The Huffington Post by G. Roger Denson
Magiciens de la Terre tried to build on this new approach. The biggest change being that global diversity had come to largely replace the esteem of universality as a criterion for comparing and exhibiting art from different regions and periods in time. Globalism, in contrast to universalism, became seen as compelling cooperation and exchange from multiple sources (cultures, epochs, and geographies) without imposing any one as primary; it is the composition or network potentially encompassing all diversity without imposing unity or a singular or summarizing principle on it.
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vendredi 6 avril 2012
Her Passage to India
Source The Indian Express by Pallavi Pundir
In the late ’40s, when a 20-year-old Rebecca Horn was working with glass fibre without a mask in her sculpture class, she fell sick and had to be admitted to a hospital. It took her a year to recover completely. However, as she lay on the hospital bed, she realised that she was surrounded by what she calls “material”. “I had my two hands intact and I would sit in the bed and draw,” said the artist, who was at the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) on Thursday morning, overseeing preparations for her debut exhibition in India.
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mardi 3 avril 2012
Indian campaigner trying to protect, promote tribal art
Source The National by Eric Randolph
"Modern India has come to hate the tribal," he said. "Initially, the government promises to protect them, then they break their promises and when the tribals fight back, the government feels justified to launch a war against them and grab their land." Bulu Imam is referring to the conflict with Maoist rebels, who have increasingly associated themselves with tribal communities over the past three decades, entrenching themselves in the forests of central and eastern India. "The tribals are not Maoists. They are not asking for the property of the state as the Maoists do," said Mr Imam. "The tribal just wants to hold on to his property and be left alone."
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Bonjour India !
Source Le Figaro par Claire Bommelaer
C'est dans les jardins de l'ambassade de France que le Tout-Delhi a pu voir, en avant-première, le film The Artist . Dans la foulée, le film aux cinq oscars a obtenu un bon succès dans les salles indiennes, avec trois millions de spectateurs - soit autant qu'en France. «Aujourd'hui, la classe moyenne indienne représente 320 millions de personnes. Elle aspire à autre chose, est ouverte sur le monde, voyage. La France doit essayer de répondre à cette énorme curiosité», explique François Richier, ambassadeur de France en Inde, qui va réitérer l'opération avant-première avec Intouchables , un film au titre prédestiné.
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dimanche 1 avril 2012
Artists, thinkers outraged over crackdown on gay lensman's work
Source Prokerala News
Progressive artists and members of the intelligentsia have expressed outrage over the forcible closure earlier this week of an exhibition of gay photographs by noted lensman Sunil Gupta at the Alliance Francaise in the capital as part of the Francophonie Week. In a signed statement, Ram Rahman, Geeta Kapur, Vivan Sundaram and Indira Chandrasekhar of the Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust said they were "shocked to learn that the exhibition of photographs by Sunil Gupta was shut down shortly and they wanted the Alliance Francaise to publicly clarify if they were ordered to shut down the exhibition”.
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