Source India eduction Diary
The winners of the inaugural Ojas Art Award have been announced today, with all three artists selected to exhibit their work at the ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival alongside some of the most engaging contemporary art writers of our time. The award, co-organised between Teamwork Arts, producer of the Festival, and Delhi-based art organization Ojas Art, will this year celebrate and reward excellence in Gond Art.
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lundi 26 janvier 2015
Winners of inaugural Ojas Art Award announced
samedi 24 janvier 2015
Outsider Art Fair New York
Source Gallery Herve Perdriolle
Hervé Perdriolle gallery presents on its booth of the Outsider Art Fair a series of Tantra Paintings from Rajasthan selected by Franck Andre Jamme and a set of 21 crucifix accompanied by 21 paintings and collages on paper of Robert Combas.
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Outsider Art Fair New York
Source Galerie Hervé Perdriolle
La galerie Hervé Perdriolle présente sur son stand de l'Outsider Art Fair une série de peintures tantriques du Rajasthan sélectionnée par Franck André Jamme et un ensemble de 21 crucifix accompagné de 21 peintures et collages sur papier de Robert Combas.
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vendredi 23 janvier 2015
Contemporary Artist Atul Dodiya Hopes for 7,000 Museums in India
Source The Wall Street Journal by Shanoor Seervai
In spite of India’s rich cultural heritage, the paucity of museums — even in cities — means public access to artworks is limited. Contemporary artist Atul Dodiya is appealing for more support for Indian museums through a show in Mumbai called “7000 Museums: A Project for the Republic of India.” Atul Dodiya, S.S. Rajputana leaving the port of Bombay, 29 August 1931. Photo courtesy Anil Rane
“It’s wishful thinking, but what if we had a museum in every city and town?” Mr. Dodiyasaid in an interview with the Wall Street Journal at his 8,000-square-foot studio in Ghatkopar, east Mumbai.
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mercredi 21 janvier 2015
Global Honour for Artist Anup Mathew Thomas
Source The New Indian Express
Bangalore-based artist Anup Mathew Thomas has won the prestigious Han Nefkens Foundation - Bangkok Art and Culture Centre Award for contemporary art. Anup who belongs to Kottayam, had won the Abraaj Group Art Prize, Dubai last year. The Han Netkens Foundation award consists of $ 15,000 towards the production of new work as well as residency and an exhibition at Bangkok. The international jury unanimously selected him because of his “creative inquiry, which almost transcends the boundaries of photography”. The jury was very impressed with his patient, methodical approach to the painstaking process of research and documentation over a period of time.
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Vadodara pays homage to its master builder
Source Gulf News by N. P. Krishna Kumar
“The contours of our Centennial Exhibition are a bit more serious as compared to VADFest. It is a tribute to a great and rather forgotten hero of our city and even the subcontinent — as he was instrumental in designing some of the most crucial landmarks of our city which continue to lend a strong sense of legacy to our city. The urban edifices and public buildings which Chisholm designed continue to define the identity of the city of Baroda,” Joshi says.
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Glen Ellyn's Cleve Carney Art Gallery Showcases Contemporary Art Of India In “Traditions In Transition”
Source Chicago Tribune
The art featured in "Traditions in Transition" is inspired by standards from four different Indian art traditions: Madhubani, Gond, Warli, and Bengal Patachitra. Media includes ink on paper, acrylic on canvas, cow dung and water based color on cotton cloth, charcoal and gouache on cotton cloth, and more. In creating the works, each artist has made a conscious effort to shift the parameters of each tradition to a more unique individualistic contemporary creative level.
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jeudi 15 janvier 2015
Connecting Art, Food and Ecology
Source New Indian Express
The ongoing two-month ‘Rooting (India): The Knowledge Project curated by Chicago-based Tricia Van Eck along with two others contrasts the general sights of the historical Jew Town in West Kochi with an organic garden that lines up photographs, drawings, diagrams, artists’ books and pamphlets. It focuses on how communities around the world are redefining their critical needs and devising solutions for long-term sustainability of nature.
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lundi 12 janvier 2015
Tribute to tribal Gond artist Jangarh Singh Shyam
Source Business Standard
The memory of late tribal artist Jangarh Singh Shyam, a celebrated folk artist in India, who had previously showcased alongside western artists in Paris, is now being honoured through an exhibition here. The works of Shayam and his daughter Japani Shyam is currently on display at the Gallerie Ganesha, which is hosting the exhibition of around 20 works titled "Tribal Tales."
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Wall to Wall
Source The Indian Express by Vandana Kalra
At the age of 17, the young boy had his neighbours watch in rapt attention as he dipped his fingers in colour to paint the huts in Verrier Elwin’s adopted village of Patangarh, Madhya Pradesh. Veteran artist J Swaminathan perhaps followed this trail of admirers when he first encountered Jangarh Singh Shyam. He introduced him to poster colours, a medium Shyam instinctively adopted, producing an amalgam of traditional and modern imagery. Soon, Shyam was in Bhopal, as a muralist at Bharat Bhavan, being designed by architect Charles Correa.
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Girish Shahane: ‘Art as investment is a dreadful idea’
Source Livemint by Elisabeth Kuruvilla
Art fairs may primarily be commercial events, but every international fair worth its salt has attempted to add intellectual heft to its presentation and create “The Art Event” through curatorial intervention. In its seventh edition this year, the India Art Fair finally decided to follow suit by appointing writer and curator Girish Shahane as artistic director—a first for the fair. Shahane has previously helmed Art Chennai and was one of the advisers to the now defunct Škoda Prize for Indian Contemporary Art. For the fair, starting later this month, Shahane has curated the Artistic Projects segment—which features works by Francesco Clemente, Atul Bhalla and Daniel Buren, among others—and tied this to the Speakers’ Forum, which has panels featuring some of the artists, as well as curators like Adam Szymczyk, artistic director of dOCUMENTA, and Sheikha Hoor al Qasimi, director of the Sharjah Biennale and curator of the UAE pavilion for the Venice Biennale later this year.
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Move over Bollywood, the great Kochi art festival is here
Source The National by Amrit Dhillon
The fact that the Kochi-Muziris Biennale is non-commercial is a refreshing departure too because, in the absence of any institutional support, art in India is dominated by commercial art galleries that generally do not dedicate themselves to cutting edge international art. And the fact that the festival is in sleepy Kochi rather than in Mumbai, Bangalore or Delhi, is also good. It’s time art was taken out of the usual places and put somewhere new and unexpected. For too long have Indians relied on past achievements to claim they are a cultured people. The Kochi-Muziris Biennale is a new achievement for India and a world class one at that. Bollywood, take a back seat. There’s a new show in town and it’s making you look ever so predictable.
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2015 programming in India
Source e-flux Asia Art Archive
Asia Art Archive (AAA) is pleased to announce a range of programmes, initiatives, and publications developed from ongoing research projects in India that will launch in 2015: The Baroda Archives is a digitisation project comprising of 40,000+ scanned and annotated documents that make up the four personal collections of Jyoti Bhatt, Ratan Parimoo, Gulammohammed Sheikh, and K.G. Subramanyan—artists and influential teachers in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda. This project brings to light the role that art schools played in shaping the field of visual arts in post-colonial India when pedagogy and experimentation coalesced to think about art anew.
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mercredi 7 janvier 2015

Source Le Monde
Dessinateurs et médias rendent hommage à « Charlie Hebdo »
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Source The Independent
Charlie Hebdo attack victims: Tributes paid to the 10 journalists killed by gunmen in Paris
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Source The New York Times
Proud to Offend, Charlie Hebdo Carries Torch of Political Provocation
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Source Times of India
'I am Charlie' message goes viral after Paris attack
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lundi 5 janvier 2015
An Indian Modernist With a Global Gaze
Source New York Times by Holland Cotter
Many Western abstract painters in the early 20th century — Albers, Kandinsky, Mondrian — were deeply influenced by Asian art and philosophy, though no one dismissed them as Orientalists. Their cosmopolitanism was a point in their favor, and proof of Modernism’s wide embrace. By contrast, if Asian artists showed signs of absorbing Western models, their work was disdained as derivative, inauthentic and evidence that Western Modernism was the only true one, the source that supplied the world. When you visit — as I urge you to do — “V. S. Gaitonde: Painting as Process, Painting as Life” at the Guggenheim Museum, keep this paradox in mind just long enough to see how its biases operate.
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En Inde, l'art à l'arraché
Source Le Monde par Roxana Azimi
« La copie d’exposition de cette vidéo et le lecteur ont disparu », peut-on lire sur une affichette laissée par l’artiste taïwanais Chen Chieh-Jen dans l’un des espaces de la Biennale de Kochi-Muziris, en Inde du Sud. En temps normal, de tels incidents irritent, tout comme les fils électriques qui pendouillent, les œuvres non déballées.
Qu’importent ces retards à l’allumage. Commissaire de cette deuxième édition, l’artiste indien Jitish Kallat a déplacé des montagnes dans cette presqu’île du Kerala, où l’art n’est pas un produit prêt à l’emploi. « L’art n’est jamais prêt et c’est l’essence même de cette biennale. On continue toujours à y travailler, à le questionner », rappelait le patron de la Tate Modern, Chris Dercon, lors d’une table ronde organisée par BMW, sponsor principal de la biennale.
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samedi 3 janvier 2015
The art of seeing
Source Livemint by Dhamini Ratman
At the centre of the Dr Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum gallery are seven vertical vitrines painted white. Wooden display cabinets that house artefacts made from lacquer, silver and horn, dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, surround the vitrines. Inside the cabinet are sculptures, photographs, found objects and canvases, made and assembled by artist Atul Dodiya. The back of each cabinet has a poster with a poem by the late English and Marathi poet Arun Kolatkar, brought to life with Dodiya’s paintbrush.
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vendredi 2 janvier 2015
India Art Fair, a platform where Indian, Pakistani artists will seek common
Source Economic Times by Pankaj Molekhi
While exchanges across the India-Pakistan border these days seem to consist mostly of heavy artillery and tough talk, artist communities on both sides are trying to forge closer ties. They are looking to create a global space for the fine arts of the subcontinent and build commercial links, besides getting diplomats involved as well. The eighth India Art Fair, which will be held in Delhi from January 29 to February 1, will keep its focus on South Asia, with a pavilion dedicated to Pakistani art and a speakers' forum for panelists from that country.
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The 'Indian Banksy' Asks Viewers to Reconsider the Democracy of Art
Source Citylab by Tanvi Misra
Over the past two years, graffiti art in cities across India has gotten a lot of press. Walking through the alleyways of Delhi's trendy nooks, you'll notice a lot of new color on the walls. Local artists have been pretty active, and this year, the city also saw a huge international Street Art Festival, which several well-known Indian and international artists attended. But it's not only in the big cities; murmurs about street art have reached a crescendo in smaller metros, like the Southern city of Kochi, says a graffiti artist from the city who goes by Guesswho. In his new body of work, he (or she) satirizes India's artist community and its old and new audience.
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Seattle Art Museum debuts American Indian masterworks, 'Indigenous Beauty'
Source Oregonlive by Terry Richard
Seattle Art Museum is featuring a major exhibit of American Indian art early in 2015. "Indigenous Beauty: Masterworks of American Indian Art from the Diker Collection" opens at the downtown museum on Feb. 12 and runs through May 17, 2015. The exhibit is drawn from the celebrated Native American art collection of Charles and Valerie Diker of New York City. It is organized by the American Federation of Arts. It will feature 122 masterworks representing tribes and First Nations across the North American continent.
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Sharing stories through art
Source The Hindu by Priyadershini S.
The works of three artists from Australia, showcased at the ongoing Kochi Muziris Biennale, 2014, carry an unmistakable essence of Down Under. This essence emanates from the blend of indigenous traits and foreign colonisation that the country has experienced. An obligatory feature for a work in the Biennale is for it to fall into the curatorial vision as expounded by Jitish Kallat in his Biennale statement ‘Whorled Explorations’. These works offer interesting parallels to that.
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Archives revue de presse
- Winners of inaugural Ojas Art Award announced
- Outsider Art Fair New York
- Outsider Art Fair New York
- Contemporary Artist Atul Dodiya Hopes for 7,000 Mu...
- Global Honour for Artist Anup Mathew Thomas
- Vadodara pays homage to its master builder
- Glen Ellyn's Cleve Carney Art Gallery Showcases Co...
- Sans titre
- Connecting Art, Food and Ecology
- Tribute to tribal Gond artist Jangarh Singh Shyam
- Wall to Wall
- Girish Shahane: ‘Art as investment is a dreadful i...
- Move over Bollywood, the great Kochi art festival ...
- 2015 programming in India
- Source Le Monde Dessinateurs et médias rendent h...
- An Indian Modernist With a Global Gaze
- En Inde, l'art à l'arraché
- The art of seeing
- India Art Fair, a platform where Indian, Pakistani...
- The 'Indian Banksy' Asks Viewers to Reconsider the...
- Seattle Art Museum debuts American Indian masterwo...
- Sharing stories through art