samedi 20 octobre 2012
FIAC : A Multitude of Masterpieces in the City of Lights
Source Art Info
Coming hot on the heels of Frieze, Paris's FIAC gives it a run for its money, drawing A-list dealers and sharp-eyed collectors alike. This year, ARTINFO France has offered reports on sales from the main fair (here and here), an asssesment of its many satellite fairs (here), a peek at the pop-up outdoor sculpture garden the fair has brough to the city (here), and even a video walk-through (here). But for those who just want to get a taste of all the great art at FIAC in one place, we've also put together this photo gallery. Enjoy!
> To see pictures of the great art at FIAC 2012, click on the slideshow.
jeudi 18 octobre 2012
Larry Gagosian pessimistic about Indian art market
Source Art Radar Journal
Famed gallerist Larry Gagosian recently sat down with Kelly Crow of The Wall Street Journal to discuss his international operations. As outlined in an article published on 11 October 2012, the dealer remains positive about the Chinese and Middle East art markets, but does not see potential for his business in India. "We have some Indian collectors who buy from us in London, but we’re not really selling to collectors in India. Maybe we’re not approaching it the right way, or maybe we don’t have the relationships. Usually when the business is there and the appetite for collecting is there, it trickles up. It’s not happening yet. India remains focused on its local art, and its museums aren’t showing international art often enough."
> read more
mercredi 10 octobre 2012
Simple Tales III

Source Chatterjee & Lal
The Simple Tales series functions as polemic and argues for a loosening of the self-imposed limits to what might be displayed in commercial galleries in India. Teetering, perhaps, on the chaotic these exhibitions privilege the connoisseur over the art historian. Ultimately, they argue that the chance encounter can be more satisfying as an art experience than the expected and homogenous. Simple Tales III will bring together works spanning more than 1500 years. The mediums used include bronze, wood, stone, paper and digital video. In the present edition, works will be included by contemporary artists such as Ashish Avikunthak, Hitesh Natalwala, Piyali Ghosh and Sahej Rahal.
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lundi 1 octobre 2012
L'Inde et l'« american dream »
Source Les Echos par Jacques Hubert-Rodier
Dans une comparaison avec les Etats-Unis de la fin du XIX e siècle et leur société diverse, laïque, matérialiste et fièrement démocratique, « The Economist » souligne que l'Inde a aujourd'hui « besoin de sa propre version du rêve américain ». Mais, pour ce faire, les hommes politiques en Inde doivent avoir une vision et la défendre. Il y a soixante-cinq ans, les dirigeants fondateurs de l'Inde avaient un « rêve admirable et exceptionnel » : créer une démocratie libérale. Et les Indiens d'aujourd'hui ont la liberté d'expression, de protester, de choisir leurs dirigeants, à la différence de pays comme la Chine, la Russie ou le Pakistan. Mais « la partie économique de leur vision a été un échec ». Ce qui manque à l'Inde c'est une nouvelle classe de dirigeants politiques, qui prennent des décisions permettant enfin aux déshérités d'émerger aussi de la pauvreté.
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