jeudi 31 mai 2018
vendredi 25 mai 2018
Remembering the ‘Other Master’, Jivya Soma Mashe
Source Livemint by Radhika Lyengar
Artist and Padma Shri awardee Jivya Soma Mashe, who put Warli art on the global map, died on 15 May, aged 84, at his village, Ganjad, in Maharashtra. In an email interview, the French art critic Hervé Perdriolle, a friend of his, recounts his memories of meetings with Mashe. Perdriolle, who is also the founder of the Galerie Hervé Perdriolle, has over the last two decades tirelessly promoted the work of contemporary tribal and folk Indians artists, whom he labelled the “Other Masters of India”. He spoke to Lounge while putting together an exhibition of Mashe’s work at the Manoir de Martigny in Martigny, Switzerland, which opens on Saturday.
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mercredi 16 mai 2018
Last Rites Performed With State Honours: Jivya Mashe, who universalised Warli, dies at 84
Source Indian Express by Sushant Kulkarni
Mashe, who was awarded a Padma Shri award in 2011, had to his credit several national and international exhibitions, including solo and collaborations with artists of various genres. The artist is survived by his wife, three sons, two daughters and grandchildren. His eldest son, Sadashiv, is also a Warli artist. “He was not suffering from any ailment but had become very weak. His appetite, too, had reduced and from the last few months. He had not been able to paint. A week ago, he told me that he wanted to paint a lot but was very sad that he could not. I have lost my father, who was also my guru,” said Sadashiv.
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Globally-renowned Warli artist Jivya Shoma Mashe dead
Source Hindustan Times by Ram Parmar
In 1975, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi told Bhaskar Kulkarni,a senior member of the Crafts Board, Delhi, to find a traditional painter who could depict the tribal way of life, Patil said. Kulkarni came across Mashe’s paintings and presented him before the late PM, who was fascinated with his work, and encouraged him to spread Warli paintings worldwide, Patil said. In 1976, the then President of India Fakruddin Ali Ahmed allotted 3.5 acres of land to Mashe in the then undivided Thane district to propagate Warli art. However, Mashe got the land only after 35 years, in 2011, after the intervention of then Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.
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Décès de l’artiste Warli Jivya Soma Mashe
Source Connaissance des Arts par Guy Boyer
Jivya Soma Mashe, peintre Warli, est décédé à l’âge de 84 ans. C’est chez lui, à Dahuna taluka (état de Maharashtra à l’ouest de l’Inde), où il vivait depuis l’âge de onze ans, que l’artiste Warli est mort le 14 mai des suites d’une longue maladie. Né à Dhamangaon en 1934, il incarnait cet art traditionnel indien pour lequel il avait reçu en 1976 le National Award for the tribal Art et qui sera poursuivi par ses deux fils et sa fille. Cet art Warli, qui a commencé par des fresques sur les murs, a pris son essor dès les années 1970 en apparaissant sur des toiles et dessins et a peu à peu séduit le monde de l’art international.
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mardi 15 mai 2018
Acclaimed Padma Shri artist Jivya Soma Mashe dead
Source Times of India
In 1975, Mashe's maiden exhibition was held at the Jehangir Art Gallery, which heralded the arrival on the global art scene of the humble tribal artist from a hamlet in Palghar. There was no looking back. Soon Mashe and his Warli paintings travelled to various countries like the US, earning him accolades and kindling new interest in the hitherto unknown aspects of Maharashtra's tribal culture and arts. He was awarded several major national and international awards. Top personalities, including then Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, appreciated his arts.
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Warli artist Padmashree Jivya Soma Mashe dies
Source The Hindu
Noted artist Jivya Soma Mashe, who popularised the Warli tribal art form, died here after a prolonged illness, an official said on Tuesday. He was 84. Mashe died at his home in Dahanu taluka late last night, according to an official in the Palghar district administration. He was conferred the Padma Shri in 2011 for his contribution towards Warli painting. He had got the National Award for the Tribal Art in 1976. He is survived by two sons, also Warli artists, and a daughter. He was accorded a state funeral. Mashe was known for his creative reinvention of an art form that was disappearing.
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lundi 14 mai 2018
Jivya Soma Mashe has just passed away
Yashodhara Dalmia, Jivya Soma Mashe and his wife, Balu and Sadashiv Mashe.

Jivya Soma Mashe and his wife

Jivya Soma Mashe and friends, photo T. Venkanna 2012

Hervé Perdriolle et Jivya Soma Mashe march 2017 Jivya Soma Mashe's grandchildren have just told me that Jivya died at 4 am this morning. This morning when I travel to Switzerland to organize one of my most important exhibitions on Indian tribal art with in particular, several wonderful paintings of this artist, this man, this friend. My sadness is immense. Jivya was a great artist but also an exceptional man respected by all of his community and well beyond. I shared with him my best moments in India. I think a lot about him and all his family. Les petits fils de Jivya Soma Mashe viennent de m'apprendre que Jivya Soma Mashe est décédé à 4h ce matin. Ce matin où je pars organiser en Suisse une de mes plus importantes expositions sur l'art tribal indien avec notamment, plusieurs toiles merveilleuses de cet artiste, de cet homme, de cet ami. Ma tristesse est immense. Jivya était un grand artiste mais aussi un homme exceptionnel respecté par toute sa communauté et bien au-delà. J'ai partagé avec lui mes meilleurs moments en Inde. Je pense très fort lui et à toute sa famille.
jeudi 10 mai 2018
Journée Portes Ouvertes samedi 12 mai
Source Galerie Hervé Perdriolle
Dernière Journée Portes Ouvertes à la galerie Hervé Perdriolle avant la mise en place de l'exposition "Inde" au Manoir de Martigny du 26 mai au 5 août 2018 présentant une centaine d'œuvres de 12 artistes indiens sélectionnées auprès de 30 collectionneurs. Journée Portes Ouvertes samedi 12 mai de 11h à 19h rue Gay Lussac 75005 Paris : sur inscription en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous ou par simple retour de mail. Merci de nous préciser votre nom et l'heure à laquelle vous souhaiteriez passer.
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Etre galeriste sans galerie ?
Source Art Insider par Alexandrine Dhainaut
En janvier dernier, on apprenait que Nicole Klagsbrun participera à la prochaine Frieze New York qui se tiendra début mai. Détail non négligeable : la galeriste new yorkaise n’a plus de galerie, de lieu physique accueillant amateurs éclairés et collectionneurs. Une évolution qui peut prêter à réfléchir. Depuis huit ans, le galeriste en appartement Hervé Perdriolle, fait partie de ces cas d’exception. Pour décrire son quotidien, il nous reçoit dans son chez lui parisien, au milieu des œuvres fourmillant aux murs.
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Hervé Perdriolle, critique dʹart et commissaire dʹexposition
Source Radio télévision Suisse par Mélanie Croubalian
Portrait d'Hervé Perdriolle par Mélanie Croubalian dans l'émission Entre nous soit dit sur la RTS1 le 7 mai 2018... Au rythme d'extraits d'archives surprenants et facétieux qui évoquent de manière détournée et parfois anachronique une étape de vie, Hervé Perdriolle se confie au micro de Mélanie Croubalian pour éclairer le présent à la lumière du passé.
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mardi 8 mai 2018
'Day to remember' for art-loving nudists in Paris
Source Times of India
No shoes, no shirt, no problem: A Paris gallery gave nearly 200 people a rare chance for a clothes-free visit this weekend, the latest opportunity for the city's flourishing nudist scene.
The Palais de Tokyo, a contemporary art museum in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, offered the guided tour before opening to the general public on Saturday.
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vendredi 4 mai 2018
An art Historical inquiry into the life and death of Jangarh Singh Shyam
Source Indian Institute of Advanced Study by Partha Mitter
Jangarh Singh Shyam has found in Amit Dutta an ideal chronicler of the tortuous path the tragic Gond artist’s brief life took. Dutta locates Jangarh’s particular predicament within the wider historiographic framework, the uneven relationship between centre and periphery, between the West and the Rest, and between the elite and the underprivileged within global modernism — the concept of the periphery is not one of geography but of exclusion and inclusion. In the global arena, all Indian and other non-western artists suffer from a ‘time lag’, because their work is set against the ‘originary’ discourse of western modernism. Externally, this hegemonic teleology of the western canon has been central to the anxiety of non-western modernism, and Indian modernism in particular. Internally, the rise of ‘modern’ Indian artists with their elevated social status consigned the traditional, popular, folk and tribal artist, the subaltern groups as it were, to the margins of Indian art.
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And the Frieze New York stand prizes go to… Nuno Centeno and Jhaveri Contemporary
Source The Art Newspaper by Anna Brady
The Mumbai-based gallery Jhaveri Contemporary and Nuno Centeno from Porto, Portugal, have won the Frieze Stand Prize and Focus Prize respectively for their presentations at Frieze New York. Each gallery receives $7,500. The decisions were made by a jury consisting of Christopher Bedford (director of the Baltimore Museum of Art), Omar Kholeif (senior curator and director of global initiatives at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago) and Suzanne Cotter (director of the Madam Luxembourg Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean). Amrita Jhaveri, the director of Jhaveri Contemporary, says: “We took a complete gamble in showing Samant’s works, as he is little known internationally. We felt his work was contemporary enough for us to take on; we try to find Modern artists who relate to our contemporary programme.”
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A vital new publication documents India's shifting tides of contemporary photographic and new media art...
Source We Heart by Lisa Davidson
Published in conjunction with the FotoFest 2018 Biennial, India/Contemporary Photographic and New Media Art features 48 contemporary artists and collectives, all working in dialogue with the history and emerging future of India and its people. Presented as an impressive 300-page hardback tome and bursting with some 200 colour photos, the book—designed by HvADesign in New York—has been edited by FotoFest executive director and curator Steven Evans, with absorbing essays on the state of Indian contemporary art coming from local experts Zahid R. Chaudhary, Sunil Gupta, and Gayatri Sinha.
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Archives revue de presse
- Traditional artist unknown
- Remembering the ‘Other Master’, Jivya Soma Mashe
- Last Rites Performed With State Honours: Jivya Mas...
- Globally-renowned Warli artist Jivya Shoma Mashe dead
- Décès de l’artiste Warli Jivya Soma Mashe
- Acclaimed Padma Shri artist Jivya Soma Mashe dead
- Warli artist Padmashree Jivya Soma Mashe dies
- Jivya Soma Mashe has just passed away
- Journée Portes Ouvertes samedi 12 mai
- Etre galeriste sans galerie ?
- Hervé Perdriolle, critique dʹart et commissaire dʹ...
- 'Day to remember' for art-loving nudists in Paris
- An art Historical inquiry into the life and death ...
- And the Frieze New York stand prizes go to… Nuno C...
- A vital new publication documents India's shifting...